Sports facility Obere Au - ice ball
The realization of the project will take place in two stages: 1st stage: Training ice rink with dressing rooms and adjoining rooms, natural grass playgrounds 3 to 5 (incl. share of forecourt)
Stage 2: Turf sports stadium with main turf playing field 1a, natural grass playing field 2 (incl. share of forecourt)
City of Chur, Chur
Services rendered by HRS
Sole contractor with full cost, quality and deadline guarantee
Scheitlin Syfrig Architekten AG, Lucerne
Volume Training ice rink 44,102 cbm
Volume Turf sports stadium 9,597 cbm
Floor area Training ice rink 7,508 sqm
Floor area Turf sports stadium 340 sqm
Total cost
approx. CHF 38 million
Construction period
October 2020 - February 2025