St. Jakob Foundation


St Jakobs Stiftung R Dürr 1
St Jakobs Stiftung R Dürr 3
St Jakobs Stiftung R Dürr 5
St Jakobs Stiftung R Dürr 18

The St. Jakob Foundation for the disabled wanted a new commercial building for its 500 employees. Various production and service areas as well as a bakery, a staff restaurant and a café with outdoor seating top off the new building.


St. Jakob Foundation, Zurich

Services rendered by HRS
Project developer and sole contractor with full cost, quality and deadline guarantee

Caruso St. John Architects, Zurich

Plot size
21,000 sqm

Total cost
CHF 30 million

Construction period
May 2016 – April 2018


HRS Real Estate AG
Siewerdtstrasse 8
8050 Zurich

+41 58 122 80 00

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